Friday, August 27, 2021

Things to avoid in APEX (Part-1)

We all strive to write APEX in the best way possible and in this post I will cover few unique guidelines that will help to make your code perform better.

1. Initialization of List

If the ask is to write a SOQL Query to fetch the accounts and store them in a list, 8 out 10 developers will write like below.

We all tend to initialize a list, so that it won't be null.  But that's actually causing more harm by consuming more resources.  We must know that SOQL Query will always return a List of subject which is instantiated.  So in our scenario we are actually doing a shallow copy of the records from the list that was returned from SOQL to the list we created.  So if you get 5,000 records as part of your SOQL, you are copying all the 5000 to your list which is not at all required.  We can avoid the explicit initialization to get rid of the shallow copy by having the logic like below.

PS : Remember that initialization cannot be ignored all the time, but only for few specific scenarios as mentioned above

2. Fetch fields without mentioning them in SOQL

If there is a requirement to fetch the Id and Name of an account, most of us will write the SOQL like below :

But what if I tell you that Id field is not required to be explicitly mentioned in the SOQL Query and will be queried automatically.  Along with the ID, RecordTypeId is one field which is also available for you. 

Also not just this, when there is a relation among objects and your SOQL is on the child object, no matter whichever field you query from the associated parent record, parent record Id will be automatically fetched.

So while writing your SOQL's, have in thoughts that there are few fields available even without querying. 

3. Get value of Formula Field without any DML / SOQL

There could be multiple instances where we do the DML first so that the formula field gets populated and then query for it to use in our logic.  To elaborate my point, let me take an example.  Consider a scenario where there is an object by name "Measurement" and is having 3 fields Length (Number), breadth (Number) and Area (Formula). The area is a formula field which holds the value of length multiplied with breadth. So, in-order to get the value of area, we need to first insert a record and then write a SOQL like below. 

But we can completely avoid writing SOQL and DML for getting the value of the formula field by leveraging a pre-defined method called "recalculateFormuals".  In the below example I have no SOQL/DML but able to get the value of formula field for an un-inserted record on the fly. 

The above approach will be very helpful while writing test classes.

Reference :

Replace .size() with .isEmpty() wherever applicable

Prior to performing any DML or SOQL where a collection variable is being used, we follow the practice of checking the size of collection to avoid un-necessary SOQL / DML.  

But we need to understand whenever. Size () is used, the processor should traverse through each and every item of the collection for getting the count, but whereas isEmpty() will just check for the very first record in the collection and if found, it returns true, else false. 

So now the time that is consumed by the method. Size () for a collection size of 10000 will be very higher (as it has to traverse through every item present) than the time consumed by the method. IsEmpty() (As the check is made only the very first record).  So whenever you are using. Size () > 0, replace it will. IsEmpty () to avoid time

 Hope you find this interesting.  There are still many points to add and I am planning to post part-2 of this soon.  Let me know in the comment section if you have any such tips.  Feedback is much appreciated and thanks for being an awesome reader.  


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

What is "Cache Control" in Static Resource ?

We all might have used "Static Resource" for loading Styles (CSS) / scripts (JS) / images and used them in our Visualforce, LWC etc.,  But while creating a static resource, there is an option called "Cache Control".  Ever wondered, what is it for ? This post will help us to understand the significance of "Cache Control"


Basically this field does hold two values

    1. Private
    2. Public

Are you under an impression that choosing private will make the resource to be not stored in cache, and choosing "public" will store the resource in cache ?  If yes, then you are wrong.  We need to understand the fact that no mater which option is chosen, the resource will be cached.  Let us understand the significance of those two values

Private : The resource will be cached in the SF server and is confined only to the Current User, which means though the resource is in cache, other User's cannot access the cached resource.  Faster load time can only be observed for the current user as cache is confined only to the Current User's session

Public : The resource will be cached in the SF server and the cache can be used by all the Users across the organization, which means the faster load time can be observed by all the Users.

Source : Static Resource in VF Page

Thanks for being an awesome reader and hope you find this interesting.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Analysis on CPU Timeout Exception

We all might have seen at-least once the exception 'Apex CPU time limit exceeded'.  If transactions consume too much CPU time, they will be shut down and for any synchronous transaction, Salesforce limits the amount of CPU time to 10 seconds.  Have to admit that It is very hard to find the root-cause for this as there could be multiple components that gets executed in a transaction and any component could be the reason for it. 

In this post, let us understand the procedure to figure-out the way of finding the time consumed by each component in a transaction.  I am writing a simple WFR on Account object to showcase the demonstration.

Below is the WFR written

Below is the Field Update associated

To identify the time consumed, let's make sure that the debug logs are enabled for the User.   Lets insert a contact record for an existing account and capture the time.  For capturing the time, let me walk you through the process.  
  1. Perform the action.  i.e., "Inserting contact" in this scenario
  2. Open Developer Console.  Click on "Logs" tab at the bottom left and open the corresponding debug log pertaining to the action made.
  3. Now click on Debug > Switch Perspective > Analysis (Predefined).  Refer to the below image for better understanding.

  4. Now different panels will appear and under "Slack Tree" section click on "Performance Tree".  Refer to the below image.   All the component types that get executed in the transaction will be shown here with the time and heap consumed.  

  5. As I do not have any other event-centric component, only WFR is coming up.
  6. As you can see, it will show the time taken / heap consumed by each component if present.  
This will help you to identify the component that consumed more time and then you can make change accordingly to fix the issue


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Enhanced Loop(For Each) Vs Traditional Loop(For)

If you have written a trigger, you must be familiar with the enhanced for-loop.  We all must have used the enhanced for-loops in our apex code at-least once.  But are they really efficient against the traditional For-loops ? In this blog, let us dig deep into the efficiency measures of the for-loops.

Let us consider an example of iterating through list of Opportunity records and manipulating a field-value for our experiment.  Look at the below snippet where we are trying to iterate a collection in traditional and enhanced way.

From the above snippet it is so clear that enhanced for-loop is so efficient over traditional for-loop because of the reasons :

  1. Un-necessary variables are not required to be created in enhanced for-loop
  2. We don't need to calculate the size of the collection for iteration
  3. Index is not required to access an element inside collection
These reasons are enough to conclude that enhanced for-loop has won the war against traditional for-loop.   But let me tell you that traditional for-loop is efficient than enhanced for-loop in few scenarios and one such is in CPU Time Consumption.  Yes, traditional for-loop consumes lesser time than enhanced for-loop and CPU Time out exception is a nightmare for most of the developers.    Can't believe me, let me use the above example to prove my point.  Before I proceed, let me make you aware of the below system method : 

Limits.getCPUTime() Returns the CPU time (in milliseconds) that has been used in the current transaction

I'll be using the above system method to calculate the time that a block of code consumes. 

I will be running both the loops running against a collection size of 5000.  Let me first start with enhanced for-loop to see the time consumption.  
List<Opportunity> lstOpp = [SELECT Id, Name, StageName FROM Opportunity LIMIT 5000];

Integer strtTime = Limits.getCPUTime(); //Fetch the time consumed so far
//Iterate through all the opportunities
//In an enhanced for-loop by iterating through collection oppList
for(Opportunity opp : oppList){
   opp.stageName = strStgName;
Integer endTime = Limits.getCPUTime(); //Get the time consumed so far
//Print the time consumed by the for-loop
system.debug('Time consumed by for-loop is '+(endTime-strtTime) +'ms');

Above code resulted with the below output 
16:49:58:065 USER_DEBUG [8]|DEBUG|Time consumed by for-loop is 178 ms

Now, let us run the same code by using traditional for-loop :
List<Opportunity> lstOpp = [SELECT Id, Name, StageName FROM Opportunity LIMIT 5000];

Integer strtTime = Limits.getCPUTime(); //Fetch the time consumed so far
//Iterate through all the opportunities
//In an enhanced for-loop by iterating through collection oppList
for(Integer i=0; i<lstOpp.size(); i++){
   lstOpp[i].stageName = strStgName;
Integer endTime = Limits.getCPUTime(); //Get the time consumed so far
//Print the time consumed by the for-loop
system.debug('Time consumed by for-loop is '+(endTime-strtTime) +'ms');
Above code resulted with the below output 
16:52:30:323 USER_DEBUG [11]|DEBUG|Time consumed by for-loop is 107ms

It is now clear that traditional for-loop took less time than the enhanced for-loop.  Now let us make few tweaks to the traditional for-loop.  Rather than having lstOpp.size(); at the condition level, let's create a new variable for holding the same, so that calculation of collection size can be avoided at each iteration.  As .size() is present at the condition place and condition check happens for each iteration .size() calculation happens for each iteration.
List<Opportunity> lstOpp = [SELECT Id, Name, StageName FROM Opportunity LIMIT 5000];

Integer strtTime = Limits.getCPUTime(); //Fetch the time consumed so far
//Iterate through all the opportunities
//In an enhanced for-loop by iterating through collection oppList
//Created a new variable "j" to hold the size(size will be calculated only once)
for(Integer i=0, j=lstOpp.size(); i<j; i++){
   lstOpp[i].stageName = strStgName;
Integer endTime = Limits.getCPUTime(); //Get the time consumed so far
//Print the time consumed by the for-loop
system.debug('Time consumed by for-loop is '+(endTime-strtTime) +'ms');

Change made : Created a new variable "j" to hold the size and the size will be calculated only once unlike the prior implementation, where the size calculation happens for each iteration.

16:52:30:323 USER_DEBUG [11]|DEBUG|Time consumed by for-loop is 97ms

PS : You may not get the same exact output when you execute the above snippet in your ORG, values will always be approximately derived.

From the above execution, we understood that traditional for-loop took just half the amount of time Enhanced for-loop consumes.  This reason is enough to conclude that traditional for-loop is efficient over Enhanced For-Loop.  If you have to iterate child records which comes as part of inner SOQL Query, traditional for-loop will take just 1/3rd time of enhanced for-loop.

Then why do we have Enhanced For-Loop ?
Everyone would have started their coding exercise only through traditional for-loop. If traditional for-loop is that great, then why do we have enhanced for-loop.  ? Do we have to replace all our enhanced for-loops with traditional for.  ? 

Answer is BIG "NO".  There are instances where enhanced for-loop is much efficient than the traditional one and one good example is HEAP size consumption.  Enhanced for-loop consumes very less heap size when compared with traditional for-loop.  I recommend you to use methods of "Limits" class to check the heap size, time consumption on your loops and then take a call on the kind of for-loop that better suits your purpose.  Hope you find this interesting. 

Thanks for being an awesome reader.   Feedback is much appreciated.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Query for all the fields of an object in SOQL

We all might have come across scenarios where we want to query for all the fields of an object.  In SQL we use the symbol * to fetch all the fields, but unfortunately we do not have any such in SOQL.  SF recently came up with amazing new feature in Spring'21 where all the fields belonging to a single sObject can be queried.

We can now use the below keywords in our SOQL.

  • FIELDS(ALL) - Fetches all(including standard and custom) the fields of object.
  • FIELDS(STANDARD) - This fetches only the standard fields of the object.
  • FIELDS(Custom) - This fetches only the custom fields of the object.

For using the above Keywords, the pre-requisite is "LIMIT" keyword should be used with utmost value of "200".  This means that not more than 200 records can be fetched if any of the above mentioned keywords are present in the SOQL.  And also is not supported with an unbounded set of fields in this API

//Below query will fetch all the fields of the Account Object

//Below query will fetch only the Standard fields of the Account Object

//Below query will fetch only the custom fields of the Account Object
 PS: Above can be executed in "Query Editor" present inside Developer Console to check the results.  Only FIELDS(STANDARD) is made available to be used inside APEX.

Source :

It is undoubtedly a wonderful feature but with the limitation of not fetching more than 200 records and not making it completely available in apex, it could not solve our purpose in all the scenarios.

To overcome this, let us make use of Dynamic SOQL to get all the fields of the record.  To make this generic enough, let's create a new static method which accepts object Name as String.   With the received objectName it will return a SOQL Query(String) that includes all the fields

public class Utils {
    public static String prepareSOQL(String sobjectName){
	String strSOQL = 'SELECT ';
	Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(sobjectName.toLowerCase()).getDescribe().Fields.getMap();
	for (Schema.SObjectField ft : fMap.values()){ 
		Schema.DescribeFieldResult fd = ft.getDescribe();
		if (fd.isUpdateable()){ // add field only if it is accessable
			strSOQL += fd.getName()+',';
	strSOQL = strSOQL.removeEnd(',');
	strSOQL += ' FROM '+sobjectName;
	return strSOQL;

The above method accepts a string (objectName) and returns a SOQL Query of type string which includes all the fields and this can be invoked from any place when needed

//lstAcc will hold all the records with all the fields
String strSOQL = Utils.prepareSOQL('Account');
List<Account> lstAcc = Database.query(strSOQL);

If we use the approach of dynamic SOQL, we don't have to worry about the LIMIT clause, but remember to use this approach of querying for all the fields only when needed and also keep in thoughts that the SOQL Query length should not exceed more than 10K.

Tip : Usage of .keyset() is not supported in Dynamic SOQL.

Yes, you read it right.  We all tend to use Maps and have them part of our SOQL query.  But map.keyset() in a dynamic SOQL Query will not fetch the desired result.  You need to assign the map.keyset() to another set variable and use set in your SOQL.  It is because variables / collections can be used in dynamic SOQL, but not the methods.  

Hope you find it interesting.  Thank you for visiting and feedback is much appreciated!!! 


Friday, August 6, 2021

SOQL query on Custom-Metadata counts against Governor Limits ?

We all have been using custom metadata types in various instances as it is so advantageous over List custom-settings.  Be it the availability of more field types or page-layouts or List Views.  Gotta admit that Custom-Medatadata is obviously a goto place over list custom setting.  But many developers tend to write a SOQL for fetching a record from custom-metadata with a conception that SOQL on CustomMetadata won't count against governor limits.  

Yes, SOQL on Custom Metadata won't count against Governor Limits if and only if you are not querying for a field of type "Long Text Area".  But if your query includes a field of type "Long Text Area", then it is counted against SOQL Governor Limits.   

Let us understand it better with the below example..

There is a custom metadata with API name as "cmd__mdt" and is having two Custom fields 

  1. Status (Status__c) of type "Picklist".
  2. Description(Description__c) of type "Long Text Area"

Let us write a SOQL to fetch the "Status__c" field from Custom Metadata.  This query won't be counted against Governor Limits and so we are good here.

Now when we write similar SOQL to fetch the "Description__c" from metdata, this query counts against the governor limits and this is where we have to look at.

Refer to the below link for few such other limitations

The main motivation for us to use Custom Metadata and query over it is that it wont count against SOQL Governor Limits, but with this limitation it sounds more like an impediment now.  

Fortunately from Spring'21, we are able to access Custom Metadata by using static methods but not by using SOQL.  Look at the below snippet

Just like custom setting, we have some static methods to access the data in custom-metadata and as there is no SOQL written here, so no worry on SOQL Governor Limits.  You can use these methods in your Apex Class by upgrading the API Version to latest one, else it might throw an error, as this was released recently and not available in the older API versions.  

It is suggested to replace SOQL on Custom Metadata with static methods available and have no worry on the SOQL Governor Limits.   Happy Coding..

Methods available for Custom metadata are present in the below link.

Hope you find this interesting and feedback is much appreciated


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Leverage add() method for collection set as criteria check


We use the collection "set" to hold unique values and for adding an element we use the method “.add()” and the return-type of “.add()” is Boolean(True or False).

This method returns true if the element being added into the set is not present, else false. 

By leveraging the return type of "add()" with this method alone, the need of using ".contains()" in most cases (not all though) can be eliminated.  In this post, let's understand a basic scenario of replacing "contains" with "add" in the below example.

In the above logic we are checking if an element is present in a set or not.  If not present, add it to the set and execute some logic.   We are using a method (".contains()")  to check if an element is present or not and another method (".add()") to add the element.  

The same can be implemented by replacing two lines of "contains" and "add" by using the below code : 

Now the condition becomes TRUE only if the element is not found in the collection and the ".add()" will do.

For more methods on set :
